NOW600 Cactus Memberships are now available thru MRP!
$80 for Outlaw or A-Class, $160 both
$60 Restricted, $40 Jr Sprint
Discount on pill fees $20 v $30, ($10 vs $20 for JS)
Banquet, and Championship Points Fund
5 gallons of methanol for highest (worst) pill per class (2 gal for JS) - each race day
Reserved Car Number
Points leader gets a pass from wheel packing duties
Owner Reps for each class - They’ll be able to answer questions in the pits, They’ll be able to come up to the tower if they choose, they’ll be a 3rd party to all race night disputes, and participate in race night reviews, plus other things
To sign up, you’ll need to get on the MyRacePass website and navigate to the AdobeMountainSpeedway registration page
(this is not possible on the MRP app)
https://www.myracepass.com/tracks/3779/registrations/ then scroll down until you see “Register”. It may require you to login at that point or create an account. After that, if you have linked your profile to your account, then you’ll come up as a competitor, if not, then select “New Competitor” and in most cases, your information will be prepopulated. (if you haven’t run a race previously, then fill in the info). If you’d like to register for 2 classes, then register for one first and then there will be an option for the 2nd class before you get to the checkout phase. Its actually easier to do it than explain it, so give it a shot, if you have any questions, then email info@adobemountainspeedway.com and we’ll setup a time to make it happen. To reserve your number, fill out the preferred car number field. Just like at the track, first come first served on those reserved numbers.
MyRacePass and Online Registration in general
If you've been using MRP for a while, and you've got an MRP account and have claimed your driver’s profile, then the online registration is fairly straightforward, you’ll need to do the Membership/Event registration here:
(don't try this in the MRP app, you won't find MRP registrations)
(pick the event or membership, and driver - if your driver is not listed, then you can pick new driver and it will likely find your information) If you have questions, email info@adobemountainspeedway.com
MyRacePass and Online Registration - Full explanation
The MyRacePass app is the most comprehensive grassroots motorsports app available to race fans. For the first time ever, motorsports organizations have a platform to submit their own information to be viewed by race fans in one application. The MyRacePass app has completely changed how fans follow the action for race day and read the latest news from race tracks, series and drivers.
Look for MyRacePass in the App Store or Google Play and install it.
When it starts it will ask you to sign up for a subscription. You DO NOT have to sign up for a subscription, the free features are very good.
You get event info (schedules, classes), event entries, official lineups and official results (all free)
Click on this page for more info: https://www.myracepass.com/experience/app
Short Video: https://youtu.be/hasl64YLgfQ
When you run the app, it will start up showing the events for today, click on the calendar icon in the upper right and choose some Saturday in April. That will bring up tons of events from all over the US. Hit the filter button and choose Arizona under state, now you’ll just get AZ events (and that filter will be saved). Click on Adobe Mountain Speedway, you should see event info. Click on Lineups (at the bottom) to see the Lineups (those are posted before each race). Click on Results, these will post as soon as they are official. There’s a Star somewhere on the page, click it to make AMS one of your favorites.
The Live timing upgrade is $8 per YEAR. This gives you lap times at events, and you can also see historical laptimes (as long as they were uploaded to MRP). These laptimes can include caution laps and other “non-racing” laps, but for general info, they’re pretty good. (see the live timing section on the info page)
Drivers: Claim Your Profile!
What is an MRP Profile?
A MyRacePass (MRP) profile is the identity and biographical information associated with a driver in the MRP network. The profile has standard fields like name, age and location, but can be customized to include nearly any type of content. Profiles are listed in the MRP directory which serves as a who's who of motorsports. After you claim your profile, you can add images, bio, interests, crew members and most importantly, sponsors (and with a great profile, you might even attract more sponsors)
MRP - Membership and Pre-Registration at Adobe Mountain Speedway
Currently (early 2025) we're just doing Membership on MRP, in the future we may include Pre-Registration for events.
Memberships are listed as:
Outlaw - $75
A-Class - $75
Restricted - $55
Jr Sprint - $35
(there is a fee for using MRP to do this, so the actual cost to the owners is slightly higher)
and there may be a $20 late charge, so don't delay.
Step 1: Get a Membership or Event for the Driver
Hit this link: https://www.myracepass.com/tracks/3779/registrations/ that will open the MRP Registraion window

Look for the Membership or Event that you want to enter and Hit Register
(there may be several registrations open at any one time, make sure you pick the correct MEMBERSHIP or EVENT and only 1 at a time)

First off - Don't pick "New Competitor" That's only for people who've never raced on any track using MRP, if your driver is not showing up, then you've not claimed that driver, see instructions above.
Pick your class and competitor (if you want to register for 2 classes and/or 2 classes, then there’s an option at the end to go back in)
and next time, your old info will be pre-filled in all the fields but the first time, you’ll need to complete all the fields.
Same goes for 2 drivers, you should be able to get everyone registered for all the classes (one at a time) and then pay at the end
When you’re done hit the continue button (you’ll pay for the classes in the next step)
Check the info, make sure its correct. If you need to add another class or driver, hit the Add Another. If you are done with all your drivers and classes, click the “I confirm” checkbox and hit Add to Cart
Then Checkout
In a few minutes, check your emails, you should get a message from MyRacePass Marketplace confirming your driver(s) and registration(s)